National action plan 'One Health' for the flight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Belgium

National action plan 'One Health' for the flight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Belgium

Waar? Brussels

Wanneer? 17.09.2020

Worldwide, about 700,000 people die each year from drug resistance. It is estimated that this number will increase to 10 million (more than cancer) by 2050. One Health' is the collaborative effort of multiple health science professions to attain optimal health for people, domestic animals, wildlife, plants, and our environment. The drivers of antimicrobial resistance include antimicrobial use and abuse in human, animal, and environmental sectors and the spread of resistant bacteria and resistance determinants within and between these sectors and around the globe. In Belgium, it is estimated that 530 deaths are attributable to AMR. The cost of AMR in Belgium is rated at 24 million euros per year. The KCE also published a report in 2019 on this subject .

In Belgium, the authorities are collaborating with the communities, BAPCOC and AMCRA in the framework of the One Health project.

A national action plan, which demandes multiple collaborations and partnerships, is in place. The involvement of hospital directors and CxOs of institutions in this plan is essential.


  • 16h00:
  • Introduction: le point du SPF/FOD
    Mr Pedro Facon, Director-General Healthcare Federal Public Service Health Food Chain Safety
  • 16h15:
  • Plan One Health
    Mme Martine Delanoy, Conseiller Stratégique One World One Health – Coordination AMR
  • 16h45:
  • Mécanismes et Problématique de la Résistance aux AB
    Pr Florence Doucet-Populaire, Head of the department Bacteriology Hygiene Service, AP-HP.Université Paris Saclay
  • 17h15:
  • Antibiorésistance et Sepsis
    Pr Jean Louis Vincent
  • 17h45:
  • La résistance en Clinique – Situation de la Belgique
    Dr Maya Hites, Infectiologue - Hopital Erasme
  • 18h15:
  • The situation in the veterinary environment
    Pr Jeroen Dewulf, Ghent University - Founder and President of the Expert committee AMCRA
  • 18h45:
  • Q&A
  • 19h00:
  • Farewell Drink