Waar? Jezuïtenkerk Lier, Berlaarsestraat 12 – 2500 Lier Parking at the Gasthuisvest
Wanneer? 23.10.2021
Preliminary programme
08:00 – Registration, welcome coffee & visit of the exhibitors
08:55 – Welcome and opening of the course
09:00 – Session 1: The young adult hip: FAI – dysplasia
- Cam FAI and femoral version
- Ortho – Pathophysiology
- RX – What are the appropriate imaging techniques?
- Ortho – Which images do we need to plan and perform surgery?
- Pincer FAI
- Ortho – Pathophysiology
- RX – What are the appropriate imaging techniques?
- Ortho – Which images do we need to plan and perform surgery?
- Acetabular dysplasia and retroversion
- Ortho – Pathophysiology
- RX – What are the appropriate imaging techniques?
- Ortho – Which images do we need to plan and perform surgery?
- Case discussions
10:45 – Coffee break & visit of the exhibitors
11:15 – Session 2: Extra-articular impingement, advanced techniques and postoperative imaging
- Extra-articular impingement
- Ortho – Pathophysiology
- RX – What are the appropriate imaging techniques?
- Ortho – Which images do we need to plan and perform surgery?
- Case discussion
- RX – D-gemric: is it really useful in daily practice?
- Ortho – Postoperative imaging after treatment of FAI: how to interpret?
- Ortho – Postoperative imaging after treatment of dysplasia: how to interpret?
- Round table discussion: consensus on imaging protocol for daily practice
12:45 – Lunch & visit of the exhibitors
12:45 – Satellite Scientific Lunch Session: Young Radiologists Papers NvVR-BSR
13.45 – Session 3: Soft tissue around the hip
- Anterior Hip pain and groin:
- RX – Imaging techniques?
- Ortho – How and when to operate?
- Case discussion
- Snapping hip and lateral hip pain
- RX – Imaging techniques?
- Ortho – How and when to operate?
- Case discussion
- Posterior hip pain
- RX – Imaging techniques?
- Ortho – How and when to operate?
- Case discussion
14:45 – Session 4: Radioprotection
- How to avoid unnecessary radiation: Introduction and panel discussion